Wednesday, May 29, 2013

P.C. 67 Library of Alexandria

Wordle: Library of Alexandria

Hussein, Ramadan B. "The Library of Alexandra." Calliope Sept. 2006: 34 General OneFile. Web. 29 May 2013.

By Patrick C.
Group 67

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

R. A. 66 Greek Drama

Wordle: Greek Drama

"Hall of Fame." Ancient Greece - Knowledge and Learning. The British Museum, n.d. Web. 24 May 2013.

By Rachel A.
Group 66

T.W. 68

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

L.P. 66

 "Sophocles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2013. <>. (tags:none | edit tags)

"The Different Types of Greek Drama and their importance." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. PBS, n.d. Web. 14 May 2013. <>.

By Luca P.
Group 66

R.S. 68

Ronan's Mindmap

By Ronan S.
Group 68

R.R. 68

By Ryan R.
Group 68

L.G. 68 Greek Astronomy

By Larry G.
Group 68

K.D. 66 The Famous Lyceum Gymnasium

The Famous Lyceum Gymnasium

By Kyle D.
Group 66

M.S. 67 Pericles

By Matt S.
Group 67

N.S. 65 Greek Gymnasium

By Nathan S. Group 65

J.P. 65 Gymnasium

Wordle: Gymnasium By Joey P. Group 65 E guides Ancient Greece Peter Chrisp 2006

B.D. 65 Greek Alphabet

By Brenna D. Group 65

B.Z. 65 Greek History

By Brendan Z. Group 65

R.C. 67 Greek Poetry and Drama

Rebecca's Animoto

By Rebecca C.
Group 67

A.R. 66 Greek Poetry

Bella's Weebly

By Bella R.
Group 66

L.M. 68 Parthenon

Lydia's Weebly

By Lydia M.
Group 68

C.G. 66 Ptolemy

Wordle: Ptolemy

By Connor G.
Group 66

Title of Article: A World Center for Learning
Source (Publication): Calliope
Author: Bruce Watson
Copyright: 2001 Cobblestone Publishing, a division of Carus Publishing Company

D.B. 67 Greek Olympics

Wordle:  olimpics
By Danny B.
Group 67

The Atlas of the Ancient World: Charting the Great Civilizations of the Past [Hardcover]." The Atlas of the Ancient World: Charting the Great Civilizations of the Past: Mrs. (Margaret) Oliphant: 9780671751036: Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2013.

M.C. 66 Pericles

By Michael C. Group 66

Sunday, May 19, 2013

P.K. 67 Archimedes

Patrick's Scratch Presentation

By Patrick K.
Group 67

R. S. 68 Greek Poetry and Drama

By Rachel S. Group 68

E.M. 68 Greek Drama

Emily's Weebly

By Emily M.
Group 68

M.M. 65 Pericles

Matthew's Weebly

By Matthew M.
Group 65

A.K. 66 Pericles

By Alex K. Group 66

A. R. 68 Hippocrates and Greek Medicine

By Ashley R. Group 68

T. S. 68 Sophocles

Tricia's Weebly

By Tricia S.
Group 68

B.S. 66 The Lyceum

Brynn's Weebly

By Brynn S.
Group 66

M.M. 66 The Greek Alphabet

Meaghan's Weebly

By Meaghan M.
Group 66

R.M. 67 The Acropolis

By Ryan M.
Group 67

J.B. 67 Herodotus the Historian

By Jack B. Group 67

H.D. 65 Greek Alphabet

Haley's Weebly

By Haley D.
Group 65

T.J. K. 66 Greek Architecture

TJ's Weebly

By T.J. K.
Group 66

A.H. 67 Greek Alphabet

By Alex H.
Group 67

D.M. 67 The Greek Alphabet

By Declan M.
Group 67

J.M. 67 Greek Astronomy

By Jared M.
Group 67

A.P. 67 The Language of the Ancient Greeks

Alex P.'s Weebly

Group 67

Thursday, May 16, 2013

R.S. 66 The Life of Herodotus and Thucydides

Wordle: Writing History

Herodotus, The History of Herodotus, 4 vols. trans. George Rawlinson (New York: Tandy-Thomas Co., 1909). Chapter: INTRODUCTION TO HERODOTUS Accessed from on 2013-05-17

"Thucydides." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 July 2013. Web. 17 May 2013.

By: Ryan S. Group 66