Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Journey into the past with Otzi...

Today in Team Time, I would like to go on a journey into Otzi's world using the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology Kids page here.

You will first visit the games created by Anna, Thomas and Alex. Click on everything to learn about life as Otzi experienced it. After, you can go back to the Museum's home page and explore the online exhibit for Otzi.

The essential question that I want you to think about it this: What was life like for Otzi?

Once you are ready to answer the question, click below to leave me a comment and tell me what you have found. I am asking that you include specific quotes as evidence to prove your argument. This means to use quotation marks "" around the exact text that you borrow from the website.

Remember that you are posting on the internet and everyone with access will be able to see your comment. Be sure to do your best work and use correct spelling and grammar. Sign your comment with just your first name.

Enjoy your historic journey into the past!

-Mr. Goldstein


  1. Jacqui O. -Hey mr.Goldstein i have gone on to the website and came to the conclusion that otzi's life was very hard because he lived in the stone ages so he had to work hard to keep himself alive.

  2. Ozit was fond on september 19, 1991 by to hikers going on a short cut. At first the thougt it was rubbish but then saw thatit was a human being. An Austrian team was the firstto get to the site but due to weather they could not get Ozit out. On the next Monday Ozit was finnaly removed from the ice and then trasported in a helocopter to the Austrian Ötz Valley. Then transported to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Innsbruck. Cameron B

  3. I had no idea that Otzi was shot by an arrow!

  4. l learned that life in the stone age was very different than life is now. Here is a quote about Otzi's bearskin cap. It says that his bearskin cap is his best preserved peice of clothing. "Hunting a bear wasn’t easy and could even be dangerous. That’s why a bearskin cap was a very valuable possession. The bearskin cap is Ötzi’s best-preserved piece of clothing." Here we have a quote about his copper axe it says that copper was the first metal found by man. "Copper was the first metal that mankind obtained from ore and worked into tools and other objects. Copper smelting began in the Alpine region around 3300 BC. Ötzi’s copper axe is the oldest example of practical metalworking." Here is a quote about Otzi's death "What had appeared to be a small, white mark was actually a flint arrowhead! We don’t know who shot him, but one thing is certain: The arrow caused heavy bleeding and led to Ötzi’s death." it said that he was shot by a person. This is another quote. This quote is about his age "Ötzi wasn’t young when he died. Tests of his bones show that he was between 40 and 50 years old. Considering the harsh conditions of the Stone Age, Ötzi was pretty old when he died." As you can tell we have a different lifestyle than they did in the stone age. Nick. S

  5. Otzi did not have a great life but he did not have a terrible life. Otzi was shot with a bow and arrow and died. "But a clue to the cause of his death was only found ten years later. When doctors studied x-rays of Ötzi’s left shoulder, they noticed something remarkable and took a closer look". When archeoligists found Otzi he had markings on him they thought that they were burns but thorough research they were actually tattoos."Drawings were soon discovered on Ötzi’s body which looked like burn marks". I would really like to know how people got tattoos back then. I also want to know why Otzi was shot with a bow and arrow.

  6. I did not know that Otzi was killed by an arrow! Matt G.

  7. "What had appeared to be a small, white mark was actually a flint arrowhead! We don’t know who shot him, but one thing is certain: The arrow caused heavy bleeding and led to Ötzi’s death"

    "Doctors provided a possible answer: The tattoos could have been made to treat pain and were therefore a type of medicine

    The tattoos were made along Ötzi’s backbone and on his knees and ankles – on the weak points of the body that suffer the most wear and tear. Ötzi’s tattoos were made by rubbing a mixture of powdered charcoal and water into cuts made in his skin"

  8. I think that Otzis life was pretty hard for him. First, Otzi had no lighters or any thing so "when a fire was about to go out, Otzi collected the hot embers and wrapped them in fresh maple leaves" wheras now, we can just take a lighter and burn somethig. Second, Otzi didn't have a GPS or anything so he had to hope that he dosn't get lost. Third, Otzi had to hunt everythingg that he wanted to eat. Lastly, Otzi didn't really have any medicne or anything so he had to make his own. But some of the times, it didn't work. To me, Otzis lfe wasnt exactly a picnic.

  9. Life for Otzi seemed ruff. It says "Ötzi sometimes suffered, because he had intestinal parasites." which based on the article is very painful. It also says that "the tattoos could have been made to treat pain" and "the tattoos were made along Ötzi’s backbone and on his knees and ankles – on the weak points of the body that suffer the most wear and tear." His death was claimed to be caused by an arrow head! As it quotes here "What had appeared to be a small, white mark was actually a flint arrowhead! We don’t know who shot him, but one thing is certain: The arrow caused heavy bleeding and led to Ötzi’s death" No one should have to suffer like that, out in the cold and all alone, until death.


  10. I think Otzi's life was very hard for him. I think this because in the games I played it looks like that Otzi had to shape lots of things and that it was tought for him not to be able to use technology. In our generation, the 21st century, we can solve things with technology where Otzi couldn't. For example, When people from the 21st century hike, we have oxygen tanks. Otzi didn't. So, in closing Otzi had a hardlife
    -Josh G.

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  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think Ozti had a very hard lif being found by Hikers and being sot by an arrow.He even had tattoos to treat pain and they had no medicines. In conclusion Ozti had a very hard life.
    Nick P

  14. I believe life for Otzi was difficult because he sometimes got intestinal parasites that were very painful. Otzi got tattoos all down his back to try to relieve the pain. The text states, "The tattoos were made along Otzi’s backbone and on his knees and ankles – on the weak points of the body that suffer the most wear and tear." I think life for Otzi was challenging.- Rachel R

  15. I think Otzi had a very hard life. I think this because he was chased by wild animals like bears. The text supports this by saying, "Sometimes Ötzi was attacked by big, dangerous animals like bears." Also, in his time, there weren't as many tools to access. For example, the text states, " To make sparks, he struck a piece of flint against another stone." That shows that instead of having matches,he had to work hard to make a fire and had to carry the supplies with him at all times. In conclusion, he lived in a dangerous world, and didn't have the tools we have today. Which combined, made for a tough life to live.

  16. Life was tough for Otzi. He suffered from stomach aches from having intestinal parasites! He died from being shot by an arrow. We know this because the text states, "We don't know who shot him, but one thing is certain: The arrow caused heavy bleeding and led to Otzi's death. It is interesting that he died between age 40-50 and this was considered old.
    -Matt R.

  17. Hi Mr. Goldstein. i found the life of Otiz sad and interesting. I think that he spent all his time alone. I know now that he was not killed by just one person but they found "blood from four people (DNA)" . He was shot with an arrow but you can see where he had the trauma to his head. I wonder how the "German Tourist in the Italian Alps" felt when the found him? I would have been very scared! He is now known as the "Iceman!" Seth
